Sugar and Your Kid's Teeth

The effects of sugary foods on kids' teeth could lead to multiple complications in the long term. Establishing and nurturing healthy eating habits among kids is crucial for the sake of their health. Many parents don't realize the consequences that sugar brings on primary teeth or baby teeth or the reason why cavities develop in children. It is paramount that parents make better choices for food and drinks for their little ones.

Why cavities develop from sugar consumption?

Three things have to be present for a tooth cavity to form; bacteria, sugar or carbs, and a tooth. After your kid consumes sugary foods, it just takes about 20 seconds for bacteria in her mouth to start combining with it. When a child neglects brushing and rinsing the mouth after eating sugar-filled foods and drinking sugary beverages, bacteria use that sugar to accumulate on the teeth's surfaces and start multiplying.

Acid in the mouth

As bacteria feed, acid is created as a byproduct. The acid begins to attack the enamel, breaking it down. Over time, the enamel develops tiny holes or becomes porous, thereby weakening further. The tiny holes contribute to decay and ultimately a cavity develops.

A low PH level

A cavity may form due to the pH level in the mouth of the kid. Ideally, the mouth should have a pH level of 7, so if it is under 5.5, it can contribute to cavities as well as tooth damage. The mouth's pH level will fall when a kid consumes sugary or acidic foods and beverages. Such foods and drinks include candies, cakes, cookies, sports drinks, lemonade, and sodas. Bacteria will convert the sugar in these products, hence creating an acidic environment in the mouth. If not treated, cavities can contribute to tooth loss. Set up an appointment to get your kid examined for cavities and get tips on how to prevent them. Contact us today.

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